Cordelia Cruises is committed to providing a working environment free from all forms of unlawful discrimination including sexual harassment and prohibits harassment in any form.
In order to ensure a harassment free workplace, except as required by law, or a bona fide occupational requirement, Cordelia Cruises prohibits any activities that portray individuals in provocative clothes or that could embarrass, demean, humiliate or segregate individuals based on sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age or sexual orientation. Violation of this policy will subject the offender to disciplinary action, up to and including, termination of employment for cause.
Harassment is any form of offensive behaviour that is considered threatening, seriously disturbing, or humiliating. It is any unwelcome or unwanted verbal, written or physical conduct that offends, degrades, humiliates or reflects hatred towards a person based on race, sex, colour, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, and disability, political and civil affiliation that may result in:
Anyone who feels that he or she is a victim of harassment of any kind or has witnessed an incident of harassment, should bring the matter to the immediate attention of either:
It is the responsibility of each employee to immediately report any violence or suspected violation of these policies to one or more individuals identified above.
All complaints will be investigated promptly and thoroughly and kept confidential to the extent possible.
Any crew member feeling having experienced sexual assault, the crew member, any manager or witness of the case must report it immediately to the Staff Captain with no exceptions.
The company prohibits any form of retaliation against a crew member for lodging a complaint in good faith under this policy or for assisting in the investigation or a claim of harassment.
Any crew member found in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including, termination of employment.
The HR Manager is always available to provide advice and support.