Before writing the review

Before writing the review, ask yourself these question: 

  1. Do I consider this employee as an integral part of the team?
  2. Do I look beyond the employee’s nationality, gender, age and physical attributes?
  3. Am I aware of the employee’s strength, weaknesses and what they can contribute to the success of the team or department?
  4. What or how is my relationship with the team member?
  5. Did I observe the team member’s performance during their contract?


Even though the length of time we have worked with a crewmember should be considered to a certain extent, it should not be the main factor in evaluating their performance as the quality of their work might have increased or decreased.

Reviewing the current job description can remind us of the standards and expectations set by the company.  

Although a disciplinary record should not influence a performance review, it still needs to be considered in certain situations as it might pertain directly to job-related skills and/or behavior that affects the quality of work.