Depending on Emergency duty, some crew may be required to remain onboard while off duty and the ship is in port so as to ensure the minimum safe manning in the unlikely event of an emergency. The in port manning is managed through the gangway and electronic mustering systems which controls the numbers of crewmembers required to remain on the ship.
Normally, shore leave ends 1-hour before the scheduled ship’s departure; unless stated otherwise. On days when a General Emergency Drill takes place, shore leave is only granted upon completion of that drill.
While off duty and the ship is alongside or at anchor, you can go ashore. Uniforms must never be worn when going ashore, unless it is required for duty purposes. When going ashore, you must carry your Crew ID card with you at all times. Some countries or ports may require you to carry your passport. If this is the case, you can collect your passport at the Crew Purser’s Office before you go ashore.