
Proper dress and uniforms must be worn at all times when on duty or in public areas. It is your responsibility to ensure that your uniform or private clothes are clean, smart, well-fitting, and appropriate when in passenger areas.

If uniforms become damaged while in the laundry or while worn on duty, you must inform your Supervisor so that new uniforms or uniform accessories can be authorized and issued to you.

In general

  • All Officers, staff and crew members are required to wear Cordelia Cruises approved uniforms.
  • Uniforms should not be worn while ashore, unless the employee is ashore on company business.
  • Undergarments with color and designs must not be worn if they are visible through the company issued uniforms (trousers/shirts/skirts).
  • Shirts, blouses and Polo shirts should be neatly tucked in at all times and should not be warn outside of pants/skirts/shorts.

Remember: A genuine and joyful smile is part of your Uniform on daily basis, from the moment you leave your cabin until you retire at night.